Color Scheme

Hover select
& Highlight
Accents & Titles

The landing screen was designed from scratch by myself. Originally, the now-"projects page" was the landing screen for the site. But I wanted to include other content besides just projects on the main page. So I decided to include the four main components; About me, my projects, a showcase of some of my work, and a contact section in case there were any unanswered questions or comments. So far, everything I need to include has been able to fit into one of those four sections, and if I need to add another section, it is easy to do so. The header is a simple animation video but I am planning on making it a demo reel as soon as I pull enough footage together to use. There are minimal pictures and buttons on the home page in order to make it less cluttered. I did not want much on the first page besides text, to make navigation as easy as possible. In addition, there are only two ways the user can interact with the main screen, scrolling or changing page. I made multiple ways available to do either of these, using a navigation bar and hints to help make the experience as smooth as possible. There are also a few hidden interactive features, one of those is color changing text when you highlight a portion of text. (I will explain how I did that below.) The other easter eggs are left for you to discover on your own... Have fun :)

As this website makeover is very new, a lot of it is missing content. I am working on each page individually and want them to be error-free before publishing them. Many of the pages that are up are incomplete, they do not have any problems but I have just not gotten around to working on them yet. These are mainly the portfolio pages, which will never really be complete because I will always be adding work to them, but obviously they could still look nicer than the empty page they are at the moment.

The color scheme has no meaning other than I thought the colors looked nice together.

Heading Image 1

Abstract color blob background, 3245x1080. Made in Photoshop from scratch.

Heading Image 2

Abstract color blob background 2, 3245x1080. Made in Photoshop based off of the first image.

Heading Image 3

Abstract iridescent background, 3245x1080. Made in Photoshop by accident while messing around with blend modes for the first image.

Heading Image 4

Abstract 3D objects (colored), 3245x1080. Made in Blender, rendered with Eevee. Initially an experiment to test out a new lighting technique.

Heading Image 5

Bored Sam NFT collage, 3245x1080. Made in Photoshop using the Bored Sam NFT as a base, which was designed in Illustrator and Photoshop. Inspired by the Bored Apes NFT Collection.

Heading Image 6

Gradient Waves, 3245x1080. Made in Photoshop from scratch. I just liked the colors, also testing the hero section banner merging with the page by making the banner background color the site color.

Heading Image 7

Waterscape sunset, 3245x1080. Made in Photoshop using brushes from the Aaron Blaise Photoshop Cloud Brushes brush set. Originally tried making the image in Illustrator, however the cloud turned out to be much easier in Photoshop and as the banner did not need to be vecetor based, there was no reason not to.

Heading Image 8

Tropical Cove concept art, 3245x1080. Made in Corel Painter 2023 and edited in Photoshop. Took the longest to make out of all the art featured on the website. Based off of the picture below and copied some colors and elements. Also, one of the paintings I like the most.

Heading Image 9

Tropical Cay and Ship concept art, 3245x1080. Made in Corel Painter 2023 as well, and edited in Photoshop. Based on Jordan Grimmer's tutorial on concept painting. I accidentally gave the original picture dimensions of 2245x1080, being too lazy to redraw the full area around it, I mirrored the left side in Photoshop, and used Dall-E 2 to give it some uniqueness, which is why the right side looks a little bit strange. As with all of these digital paintings, the detail decreased as you get further from the center, since that is where the focus will be. So I added some chromatic aberration and radial blur to make it more appealing.

Heading Image 10

Glaciers in the Sun, 3245x1080. Mostly done in Corel Painter 2023 and Photoshop. Made pretty much the same way as the last two, used different colors and a couple new brushes but the same process for the most part.

Heading Image 11

Icebergs and Glaciers, 3245x1080. Again, same process as previous ones of the same style. Made in Corel Painter 2023 and detailed in Photoshop. My favorite art of all the banners that I have made. The initial plan was to make a darker and more mysterious scene, possibly with dragons or an abominable snowman jawn instead of using the previous glacier image for inspiration. However, after that picture was finished, I didn't like how it turned out so I started over and mostly stuck to the style of the previous one. After the second one was done, I thought I could combine them to make a unique new blend in the foreground and background. So the final banner art is a composite of two images, see if you can figure out where each part of the image comes from!

Heading Image Featured Project

Carda Wallet, 3245x1080. Made in Photoshop, using previously made renders of an iPhone with the app on the screen. The iPhone mockup was from Unitetheme on Behance.

The original goal was, and still is, to have a demo reel/video be playing across the top of the landing page. It is currently being worked on and will take the place of the images when it is finished.