Blockchain Public Archive

The Problem

A lot of online media is censored, not only by the platform it is hosted on, but from other corporations or organizations. Many times the government or large companies will eradicate files or records of ideas or inventions that can revolutionize the world. If it puts their profit or self-gain at risk, you can be sure that your work will not make get the publicity it should.

People who try to share information can go missing, and if they go, the information that only they know is gone forever. Articles, books, and files can all go missing too. Whether it be because someone wants them gone, or if they are just ill-preserved. A way to think about it is as follows: Most websites and online databases are like a library, they can store articles but will not last forever. The Blockchain Public Archive is like an indestructible and unchangeable library.

Inventors and scientists who have disappeared before getting to share their knowledge publicly:
Rudolf Diesel - After showcasing his Diesel engine that would disrupt large coal energy companies, he was found dead in a river.
Stefan Marinov - Leader of the European Free Energy Movement who made discoveries in the field but fell out of a window just before sharing his findings.
John Mullen - A nuclear physicist who worked at McDonald Douglass. Died of arsenic poisoning at same time as his girlfriend. No suspects, investigation, or trail.
Dimitry Petronov - Invented a plasma battery that powered his home for 14 months. Disappeared.
Zachary Warfield - Also developed a plasma battery. Met with Petronov and died in a boating accident the same year.
Eugene Mallove - Expert and physicist in cold fusion, claimed to have a working prototype of a free energy device. The day before he was supposed to make a public announcement about his findings he was killed.
Arie deGues - Had patents on free energy based off of zero point field energy. On his way to meet investors to fund his research, he was killed at the airport.
Rory Johnson - Invented a cold fusion laser activated magnetic motor that generated over 500 horsepower. He was supposed to demonstrate his invention to the public but was stopped when the US Department of Energy placed a restraining order on his invention restricting the publication of his work. Died unexpectedly soon after.
Mark Tomion - Patented technology called a star drive, which used zero point energy and he developed a working prototype. Shortly after he died from an unexpected device and his work went missing.
Stan Meyers - Developed a working engine that ran off of water. Died from what was reported as a cerebral hemorrhage while at a meeting with investors. His last words were "I have been poisoned." and his work was not seen again.
James Allen - While editing his documentary researching and investigating different uncovered topics, he was diagnosed with cancer and his body was found to have poisonous unnatural chemicals in it.

Articles and information that has vanished:
Nikola Tesla's work, files, and research all disparaged in different ways. Such as a building fire or bankruptcy brought upon him by companies his products endangered. With his death all the rest of his findings have disparaged as well. t/article/dozens-scientific-journals-have-vani shed-internet-and-no-one-preserved-them c-data-disappearing-at-alarming-rate/6941.article /252439/20200910/nearly-200-journals-suddenly -went-missing-in-the-internet-about-900-more-at-risk.htm

The Solution

To solve this problem, a new blockchain technology is being created. The blockchain will store files uploaded by users to a decentralized database. This way, the information will be accessible to anyone with no possibility of it getting deleted or modified.

Another thing that has to be taken into account will be the content stored/accessed through the blockchain. Since it is unable to be modified, problematic articles can be published. For this reason, there will be a certain set of words that the PDF is required to contain and another set of words the article is not allowed to contain. These restrictions will prevent the abuse of the free speech blockchain system. As with all websites and platforms, it will be up to the discretion of the access port to choose what is displayed. They will be held accountable for limiting the retrieval dangerous articles.

And while this seems like it goes against what the Blockchain Public Archive stands for, anyone is able to access it directly or set up their own access port.

How to Access

The PDFs and information shared via the Blockchain Public Archive will remain free to the public forever. There are no restrictions to who can access the information shared, as knowledge should be spread in order to advance civilization. Because of this, you do not need any credentials or personal info to gain access to the endless information stored on the blockchain.

Someone who wishes to access a file from the database will only need to access a port website. These websites work almost as exchange websites would work with cryptocurrency. They will be search engines that can search through the blockchain database.

Another way to access the information saved on the Blockchain Public Archive is through hosting a node. This is a program that can be installed to any computer, to access files stored in the blockchain for free. This is a good option as well because it will strengthen the database integrity.

How to Publish

Similar to the accessing of a file, publishing can be done by anyone. The easiest way is to go directly through a port website as mentioned for accessing. However, that is not the only way to publish a file. Anyone with a computer and internet access will be able to upload their research or knowledge to the database.

How it Works

Anyone who supports the sharing of knowledge without monetization should consider hosting a node. The more users that have a device running a BCPA node, the easier it becomes to make the database accessible.

So how does the Blockchain Public Archive actually work?
Great question! As a blockchain based technology, the BCPA is not stored on any individual device and becomes more decentralized as more people help out with the project. When a computer hosts a node, part of the database is shared with that device, and those files can now be accessed by that person. And thanks to their hosting, everyone else is now able to access the files stored on the blockchain.